I have just added a new page to my portfolio, sketchbook and development work. Check it out here
1 L-R : A birthday card for my Dad (he loves logging!), A birthday gift for my Dad, New artwork for the wall! Amazing ballpoint drawings by Japanese artist Hakuchi
2 L-R : Mr Smirnoff! Fireworks in the garden on New Years Eve, A first attempt at cake pops! Thai prawn curry alla Jamie cooked for my family
3 L-R : Christmas dinner table, my new rainbow maker, Miso, illustration for my brother for christmas
4 L-R : I made metallic envelopes for my laser cut cards, Our little tree, Sparkly new shoes, Mr Smirnoff being curious
12 shoes for 12 lovers
I came across this project by Sebastian Errazuriz last week, and though I am also a big fan of the Melissa/Vivienne Westwood shoes anyway, I found this project to be really interesting, I started skimming through It and found it really captivating and ended up going back to read all the little details! The project description:
"In 12 SHOES for 12 LOVERS Sebastian Errazuriz explores for the first time the question of love and sex through the memory of 12 previous relationships.
His exhibition is an attempt to go through the reminiscence of former lovers who are the inspiration for each Shoe Sculpture.
The sculptures are accompanied by personal photos and stories in which Errazuriz reveals a glimpse of each relationship and in the process exposes himself to scrutiny and judgment.
Sebastian Errazuriz’s work looks to expose contradictions and absurdities that challenge everyday life precepts and address deeply-seated taboos.
12 SHOES for 12 LOVERS is an extension of the artist’s’ penchant for addressing controversial topics by confronting these through the prism of his own experience as expressed through his work. Furthermore, it is an expression of Errazuriz’s commitment to applying to himself the same unyielding attitude with which he challenges established norms in art and design.
“When I started this process I never imagined where it would end up, it’s been infinitely more complex, revealing and difficult than I thought. »
The original names of the women have been replaced to protect their identity.
Time Lapse Photos
Just lately I have seen quite a few time-lapse photos about and wanted to have a go at doing some of my own. I set the camera up in my attic room (not the most inspiring of views but it meant the cats wouldn't disturb the camera!) and took a photo every hour. Looking at the outcome, I think it would be better to take a photo every 15-30 minutes instead as there was too much of a difference in the images (the weather was especially strange yesterday though!) here are some of my first attempts, though I think maybe over christmas I will have a go at doing some more!
See some evil. Hear some evil. Speak some evil
I often make pictures, paintings etc for my brother and sister, this year my 14 year old brother asked me for a picture but he didn't know what he would like. I made him this picture, as a twist on the classic 3 monkeys, after a lot of messing about with printers I finally got it printed on a gloss paper then mounted it in a frame. Lets hope he likes it!
New laser cut cards
I have been working on some new designs for the laser cut cards, including some invitations, here are some of the designs
New Year invitations
Some things I have been making
Here are a few of the things I have been making over the last week...
Some housewarming gifts and a card that I made for my sister and her boyfriend. The illustration on the card is one that I actually did a little while ago.
The second card is one I made for my Great Aunty's birthday. I have lots more to be making so I will put some more up soon!
Tempo Drop Storm Glass
A couple of months ago I discovered the Tempo Glass Storm Drop, a Japanese made meteorological device originally used by 19th century sailors to predict and forecast the weather. Although its accuracy can't be completely guaranteed, it certainly makes for a beautiful and interesting object to have! The glasses contain a mixture of potassium, sodium nitrate, ethanol, camphor, distilled water and ammonium chloride and work based on pressure, which is how they have come to be used as a way to forecast storms at sea.
The appearance of the liquid transforming from clear to cloudy to crystal flakes predict whether the weather will be clear, cloudy or filled with thunderstorms. I bought one for my Grandpa for his birthday (which came all the way from Japan!) it seems to actually work! Well to a certain extent! And it makes the most beautiful and interesting formations and patterns. The booklet that came with the glass was in Japanese so I made a little gatefold booklet to go in the box with it, explaining what it does, below are some of the pictures of what I have made.
Happy Pills Barcelona
A few years ago I discovered Happy Pills sweet shop in Barcelona, having just found a bottle I bought from there I thought I would post about it. The concept of the store is based on a pharmacy - Im not sure about the message it send to kids, but I LOVE the branding, concept, products etc!
All of the bottles have 'indications for use' which include; Against Monday, the pineapple diet, Sundays without football, football on Sundays with the warming of the earth, washing machines that break without warning, gray days, the PMS, the pitopausia, square roots, the unbearable Lightness of Being, the curls rebels without a cause, the weatherman jinx, the keys are lost alone, the price of housing in general and in particular boredom. Not only that, but you can also create your own personalised labels too. Not only are there indications for use but also 'ingredients' listing all that the 'medicine' is composed of; “Composition”: 3% Sky blue, 5% Lemon yellow, 2% Dirty joke, 4% Black humour, 7% Uncontrollable guffaw, 8% La vie en rose”, 2% Tickling, 7% Oranges from China, 1% Fine British humour, 2% Galician double entendre, 6% Andalusian accent, 9% Last-minute goal, 2% Dawn essence, 7% Ho ho ho, 3% Cotton candy, 2% Aches from laughing, 5% Some like it hot, 4% Rio de Janeiro, 3% Tijuana, 7% John Cleese excipient, 6% Bunch of daisies, 5% Mediterranean Siesta. - All fun things that make you smile.
The branding and concept was created by Barcelona based Studio M, I think it could possibly be one of my favourite concepts!
See their website here
Laser Cut Cards
I have been meaning to do some laser cut cards for a long time, and I have finally got round to doing some! Here are some of the ones I have made, I intend to get an Etsy shop sorted soon so that I can start selling them. Lots more designs to work on!
ABSOLUT Originality
"Following its long-standing tradition of introducing cutting edge designs, ABSOLUT is proud to present ABSOLUT Originality. This elegant limited collection features four million individually designed bottles, each made into a one-of-a-kind work of art with a drop of cobalt blue infused into the molten glass during production.
ABSOLUT has always experimented with new techniques and gone off the beaten track to develop innovative and artistic products. Following last year’s spectacular launch of ABSOLUT Unique , the journey continued in order to find a daring new concept for the next limited edition. The ambition was to capture the soul of ABSOLUT, expressing creativity and quality as its cornerstones – and the iconic ABSOLUT cobalt blue colour. Releasing a drop of cobalt blue into the glass only takes a millisecond. It’s added just as the molten glass goes into the mould at 1600°C. At that temperature, the cobalt is invisible, but as the glass cools off, a beautiful and unique blue infusion appears inside the glass of each bottle."
- Adam Boita, Marketing Controller,
Pernod Ricard UKAnother beautiful and unique piece of Absolut art!
Mojito Spheres
The best thing I have seen today // French Paper Co.
Although I am familiar with American family run paper mill, French Paper Co. today is the first time I have looked at their blog or rather The Sample Room, which is full of lovely colourful print samples using their paper. The selection of prints is huge! And there are so many lovely pieces, I especially love their own promotional pieces. It makes me want to get drawing and printing some of my own! Check out the Sample Room here